6 Figure Achievers Course

Follow a step-by-step process for expanding your mindset and discovering how to earn in the low to high 6 figures by using your skills, talents, or passions in 60 days.  (After training you will have lifetime access to course and free access to updates.) 

Previous Price – $549.00   On Sale for $99.00 a Limited Time, Only!

Are you ready to build your dream life using your skills, talents, or passions?  Are you ready to take control of your destiny by living life on your terms?

sales 6 figure achievers course

Sell Your Product

Do you offer a professional service or would you like to offer one, boost your confidence and earn more?

professional service 6 figure achievers course

Professional Service

Do you offer a professional service or would like to offer one, boost your confidence and earn more?

quit job 6 figure achievers course

Tired of the 9 to 5

Are you really tired of your 9 to 5 and the thought of working on a job you do not like is causing you stress?

steady income 6 figure achievers course

Finding Your Way

Do you know you have great skills and talents, but you just need guidance to find your way to success and a steady income?

My step-by-step digital 6 Figure Achievers Course, which includes some live coaching, will inspire you.  It also provides you with guidance to help you create a blueprint that will take you into the 6 figure zone, while expanding your mindset, which will prepare you for each next level, you chooose.

The best part about this course is I have made it easy to follow and once a week, I will be there to answer your questions to keep you on track for success.  Instead of focusing on what’s going on with the economy and stressing over a job, make the decision to take control of your life and financial destiny.

pat council 6 figure achievers course, instructor

Hi! I’m Pat Council, Executive Business Coach and Goal Achievement Strategist

I am your 6 Figure Achievers Coach. I look forward to meeting you.  As a certified coach I have been helping others achieve their 6 and 7 figure goals using their skills, talents, and ideas they were passionate about for more than 15 year. I    I know what it feels like to not have money and to wish for a quality, happy life.  When it comes to being full of anxiety and stressed out about money, I have been there done that.  I did not like it!  But, who does?!

Once I learned the keys to earning 6 figures, I  went on to build a 7 figure real estate business.  The real estate market crashed, but that did not totally stop me.  I knew the keys to earning money, so after a short pity party, I got back in the game.

Of course, I decided to do three things differently.  One, instead of just earning money, I decided to build wealth.  Two, I became committed to constantly expanding my mindset.  Three, I decided to earn money doing what I love, using my skills and talents, so that I would honor my purpose for being on this earth.  Also, I would never be a victim of the economy, again.

Life is to be lived with love, peace, passion and using our skills and talents to teach and inspire each other in different ways.  No matter what your skill or talent is, it is needed by someone, somewhere.  I believe you owe it to yourself to step into your magnificent world.  I call this, “Doing Life with Power!”™




8 Lessons and more than 21 modules, including Live Coaching and Live Coaching Recordings

Lesson 1 - Introduction - Questions & Affirmations

Gain insight into your success and immediately start framing your 6 figure life. Create the first part of your blueprint.

Lesson 2 - Success & Self-Sabotage

Become aware of the different methods that will accelerate your results.  Get an understanding of ways to boost your confidence by understanding your power within.

Lesson 3 - Expanding Your Mind to Receive

Embrace your willingness to achieve and accept what you deserve.  Increase your confidence, think bigger, and receive the best.

Lesson 4 - Developing a Wealth Mindset

Expand on your 6 Figure Power Achievers Identity.  Start understanding the power of your “what” and open your mind to the value of “how”. Tap into secrets of your ability to start producing wealth.

Lesson 5 - Focusing and Generating Money

Establish the right foundation for success and start bringing in the money you desire. Turn your passion into a business, find customers and start earning money.  You will learn what earning money is really about, so you can take control of your financial life.

Lesson 6 - Use KPI's to Boost Your Income

Find out the power of using Key Performance Indicators.  Discover how to use them to keep you on the wealth track, elevate your business, and escalate your income without stress.

Lesson 7 - Building Lasting Wealth

In this lesson your will learn how to build your financial empire, become your own bank, strengthen your credit and keys to getting and staying out of debt.

Lesson 8 - Obstacles that Could Prevent 6 Figure Success

Discover the list of obstacles that can stop you from achieving your 6 figure plus goal and what you can do to overcome them.  

Bonus: 6 Figure Questions and Answers

See recordings from the live coaching sessions.  If you missed a live session, you will be able to view it in the bonus section.  

Testimonials from Some Course Participants

Taught Me Mindset & Wealth

Pat is Very Effective

Pat's Courses Change My Life

Frequently Asked Questions

Will I go through the course alone?

No.  Although, this is a do-it-yourself course, you will not have to go through it alone.  You will be able to participate in live weekly Q & A Sessions.  I want to make sure you completely understand what it takes to become a 6 Figure Achiever or get unstuck if you encounter an obstacle.  If you miss the live sessions, you will have access to those sessions.  Many times you will hear the answer to your questions.  You will have access to any income producing ideas that I share live, because I do not want you to miss anything.

What is your refund policy?

Since, this is a knowledge-based course and we are certain that you will learn how to earn 6 Figures are more, there are no refunds.  Also, once knowledge is learned, it cannot be reversed for these reasons there will be no refunds.   

When does the course begin?

Enrollment is currently open.  Because the course is on sale for a limited time, we have made access to the course immediate.   

Do I need to have an existing business already established?

No, this is course is designed to expand your mindset, as well as helping you plan for achieving 6 figures once your business is established.  You will definitely be ahead of the learning curve.  If I had this information when I first started my business, I would have achieved 6 figures within the first 6 months.  Going through the course and completing each exercise will give you more clarity on what to do.  The step-by-step plan is easy to use for anyone who want to earn 6 figures.

Will I receive a certificate at the end of the course?

Yes!  It will be a pleasure for me to present you with a 6 Figure Achiever Certificate after you complete the course.

Does this course guarantee results?

Hundreds of people have taken this course and gotten results.  It would be unethical and illegal for me to promise you that you will get results.  Because of the positive track record of the course, your work ethic will determine your success.

Is the training in person or online?

The training is exclusively online.  You will receive a link that allows you to participate in the live coaching sessions, where you can get answers to your questions.

What if I need more help?

After completing the program, you will be given lifetime access to the information.  Some students have requested private coaching. As an Executive Business Coach and a Life Coach, I have developed programs for those who would like more personalized guidance.  Simply email me:  patcouncil@patcouncil.com for information to address your specific needs.  

Disclaimer:  This is not a get rich quick scheme.  This course has been proven to work for many participants who followed the course curriculum.   We cannot quarantee your results, because each individuals work ethic is not known.  Your success will depend on your work ethic.  All wealth and business attempts involve some risk, and both requires consistent and focused work.     

Disclaimer 2:  The course is priced on sale, as we add our first set of new updates.  Once this is complete, the price will increase back to the original $549.00.  Those who have purchased now will have lifetime access to include access to the new and future updates.

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