What does it really mean to reap what you sow?  What can you expect?  When should you never settle?  On Designing Your Life Today, Pat Council discusses expect to earn when you learn.  Get inspired to go for it all by understanding the key to getting what you truly want.  Learn the right things that will guide you in the direction that brings you true success.  Get excited about your life and the goal that you have set, because it is your time to win.  Today’s podcast will inspire you to not settle for less and to go for what you deserve.

Resources for Success:

Book:  High Impact Power Principles, Click Here

T-Shirt: “Do Life with Power” Click Here

Tracking Cards:  Goal Achievement in a Flash – Click Here  

Courses:  1. Confidence to Power Up and Achieve – Click to get on wait list.

                2. Goal Achievement Success Track (Coupon code: Apr2n23  $200 discount through the end of April.) Click Here