The only person who can prevent you from achieving your goals is you. In the podcast Who’s Blocking Your Achievement, get more insight about ways to achieve with consistency. In the meantime, here are some questions you can ask yourself that can make you aware of some of the mental blocks that get in the way of accomplishing set goals:
- Are you feeling optimistic about success? Having a high expectation about your ability to successfully accomplish your goals makes it easier to maintain the mindset required to achieve them. Staying optimistic allows you to keep an open mind about your personal success. In other words, it causes you to see the glass as half-full, no matter what.
- Do you replay past mistakes? Worrying about past mistakes or failures can be one of the most self-destructive activities for you to engage in when working to achieve a goal. What happened yesterday can only poorly influence a successful outcome is you choose to let it affect you. The object of the game is for you to acknowledge a learned lesson from the mistake and then become more determined than ever to succeed.
- Have you properly prepared to succeed? Once you have decided to achieve a specific goal, take the time to properly prepare. Preparation could include one of many things. It could include ensuring that you have a certain amount of knowledge to get started on the goal or you have connected to the proper mentor to help you if you get stuck. Preparation could also include ensuring that you have someone to encourage you and inspire you when you feel like letting go of your dream. Nothing boosts confidence like being properly prepared.
These are just a few questions that you can ask yourself, if you want to mentally stay on track with achieving your goals. If you feel you need to connect with other successful people that are working to achieve their goals, consider becoming a part of our private Facebook group, power achievement team. It is absolutely free to join this group.
Pat Council is a Goal Achievement Strategist with a popular podcast, Designing Your Life Today. She is the author of several books. She is also a speaker and sales trainer.