The ability to get beyond anything that limits your success is within your reach.  On Designing Your Life Today, Pat Council shares a strategy for getting beyond limitations that prevent success. The strategy shared in today's podcast will push you beyond the limits...

Make the last quarter of this year count.  On Designing Your Life Today, Pat Council shares what stops people from achieving goals.  Discover some of the reasons and what can be done to change it.  Start succeeding, no matter what is going on in your life.  Get the...

There is always enough time to achieve your goals, as long as you make sure that you are doing what it takes for results to flow.  On Designing Your Life Today, Pat Council shares 2 things that interfere with your achievement.  Find out how to put your focus and...

On Designing Your Life Today, Pat Council discusses the benefits of digging deeper into your life's purpose.  Discover the power behind getting clarity on your purpose.  Also, find out why many people have trouble tapping into their true purpose and what can be done...

Do you compare yourself to others?  Do you wonder if you will ever achieve the goals you set?  On Designing Your Life Today, Pat Council explains the importance of accomplishing a little moment to moment.  Find out the power of taking things one step at a time and...

Why is being positive so important?  On Designing Your Life Today featuring Pat Council, find out why you should refuse negativity.  Positivity is about more than smiling.  Discover how you can use positivity to achieve your goals and change unwanted conditions in...

Let’s Achieve Together!

Listen as Pat Council shares strategies to help you create your magnificent life and business blueprint.  Turn them into goals and get inspired to achieve them.  Discover more about the wonder that is you and start “doing life with power!”™