Acquring wealth is a step by step thing. Do you struggle when it comes to creating wealth? The new segment: Elements of Wealth on Designing Your Life Today featuring Paat Council discusses the first step to creating wealth. The purpose of the new segment is to make understanding wealth easier and more acceptable.
Resources for Success:
Book 1: Think and Grow Rich Click Here
Book 2: High Impact Power Goal Setting Click Here
T-Shirt: “Do Life with Power” Click Here (Stay Motivated with a reminder)
Tracking Cards: Goal Achievement in a Flash – Click Here
Courses: 1. Confidence to Power Up and Achieve – Click to get on wait list.
2. Goal Achievement Success Track (Coupon code: Apr2n23 $200 discount through the end of April.) Click Here
Webinar: Creating a Successful Personal Brand in Business – Click to register, free