by Pat Council | Jan 20, 2017 | Design A Lifestyle Blog
Increasing Your Income Consistently With all the brick-and-mortar stores that are closing in the United States, it is more important than ever to take control of your income. In the last year, some of the top stores have decided to close. Chain stores such as: The...
by Pat Council | Jan 12, 2017 | Design A Lifestyle Blog, Rleationships
A great way to stay motivated is to connect with the best accountability partner you can find. If you are serious about achieving your goals this year, then an accountability partner will be a great asset. However, if you decide to connect with an accountability...
by Pat Council | Jan 10, 2017 | Design A Lifestyle Blog, Healthy and Happy
Stretching is a Big Deal On Designing Your Life Today, the podcast, Ways to Inspire Your Morning Workout, I mentioned stretching while sleepy-eyed as one of the methods for staying on point when it comes to working out in the mornings. While stretching will wake you...
by Pat Council | Nov 7, 2016 | Design A Lifestyle Blog, Uncategorized
Are You Looking for Truth? Someone asked me the other day would I want my daughter to hear or be subjected to some of the abusive comments that Donald Trump has been known to make to women. Of course, this question was asked because of the commercial that Hillary...
by Pat Council | Oct 17, 2016 | Design A Lifestyle Blog, Uncategorized
Risk Being a Superstar Taking Risks That Bring Out Your Best In life, we must risk being our best and delivering our best talents. This is a risk because the more you focus on using your talents and delivering your best self and making your best contributions to...