Understanding your emotions is one of the most things you can do for yourself.  Why is it important to check your emotions?  On Designing Your Life Today, Pat Council explains why it may be time for your emotions check.  How do you check your emotions?  If you are unable to put your emotions in check, you will have a difficult time achieving.  In this podcast, you will discover what can alter your positive, productive emotions and what you can do about it.  Get emotional control through understanding and make goal achievement easier. 

Resources for Success:


Book 1:  High Impact Power Goal Setting, Click Here. 

Book 2:  Think and Grow Rich, Click Here

Blog:  How to Really Get What You Want. Click Here. 

T-Shirt: “Do Life with Power” Click Here

Tracking Cards:  Goal Achievement in a Flash – Click Here  

Courses:  1. Confidence to Power Up and Achieve – Click to get on wait list.

                2. Goal Achievement Success Track (Coupon code: Apr2n23  $200 discount through the end of April.) Click Here 

Webinar:  Creating a Success Personal Brand in Business, Click to register, free