Bounce Forward and Achieve

Bounce Forward and Achieve

Bounce Forward and Achieve You may have heard the phrase “bounce back”. In fact, I use the phrase “bounce-back-ability” in one of my YouTube videos. There are times when talking about bouncing back is inspiring, but there are also times when you want to visualize...
It Takes More Than Visualizing

It Takes More Than Visualizing

We have often been told that visualizing something will bring it into our lives, because of that we spend a lot of time visualizing and affirming our hopes and dreams.  The truth is, by thinking we can bring anything into existence.  The key is to not only visualize a...
Your Self-Defining Moment is Now

Your Self-Defining Moment is Now

People are so busy today, going to work, running a business, and making their life work on a daily basis. At the same time, people are very quick to express their discontent with their lives and the lifestyle they are living. Sometimes we have to step back from...