How “Not Knowing” Can Make You Successful
When starting something new, we sometimes want to know it all in an instant. We think that the answers should just come to us. When the answers don’t come with ease, we get disappointed, become frustrated and want to quit. Why? Think about it. If the answers could come to us all so easily, there would be no reason to go to school or college. There would be no need for doctors, lawyers or teachers, because we would know it all. The point is: Anything worth achieving comes with a learning curve. When you can get excited about not knowing all the answers, you will also become excited about becoming more of an expert in your chosen profession.
Not knowing all the answers is by design. The journey to learn more is what creates excellence. When you reach the point of frustration because of something you do not know, that’s the time to power forward. Do what it takes to learn and understand more. Seeking more knowledge about your profession is often the key that unlocks the door to your success.
If you are in sales, just started a business, or any new venture that you are passionate about, then learning is a part of the journey. It’s important to be okay with “not knowing”. Instead of getting embarrassed or feeling small because you don’t have all the answers, consider accepting the fact that there are some things you have not learned, yet. Then, seek out someone who has a successful track record and is willing to mentor or coach you. You may also want to attend Mind set coaching workshops or take online courses that will help you fill in the blanks and move forward to achieving your goals. Push the ego aside and learn. You deserve to win.
When I first started selling real estate, years ago I knew nothing about selling homes or customer service for that matter. I attended several seminars, bought training material and found a coach. Within less than 6 months I was the top producing agent in the office. Opening my mind to be teachable paid off, big. The key is to calm down, acknowledge that you are in a new arena and realize that you are about to learn something new and exciting that will broaden your horizons. Getting yourself a wellness consultant can be an excellent way to uncover your potential which could help you in your self-improvement. By working with a wellness consultant or life coach, you can learn how to become more self-aware and improve your decision-making skills, which will facilitate a positive and revolutionary change in your life.
Here are 3 strategies to help stay open to learning something new:
- Remember, that being in learning mode is what makes you smart and successful. Don’t feel frustrated or embarrassed just because you don’t have all the answers.
- Become comfortable with asking questions. This is how you get the answers you need to succeed.
- Don’t shut down because you don’t know something, allow yourself to open to learning. Keep in mind that when learning something new you’re in one of your stages of growth.
When you become comfortable with not knowing. You will also become comfortable with collaborating with others to fill in the gaps with what you don’t know. Feeling like you need to know it all, instantly, limits your ability to learn and grow. Each time you find yourself getting stuck, acknowledged that you need to learn more instead of thinking about quitting or buying into the idea that you are not meant to succeed. Admitting what you don’t know and that you are willing to learn has a certain amount of vulnerability with it. This kind of vulnerability is where success begins.
Pat Council is a Speaker, Certified Life Coach and Goal Achievement Strategist who teaches people across the world strategies for taking their visions of achievement from being a thought to making them a reality. She is the author of several books to include her newest book Start Winning – How to Achieve Like the Top 8 Percent. She is the host of the popular podcast, Designing Your Life Today.

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